2025 Conference - TBD

2025 Conference - TBD

Bob & Cindy Lussier

Great Woods Companies, LLC

Bennettsville, SC

Our 2025 Conference will be a 2 day event!

Our 2025 Conference will be held on

Friday, September 26 & Saturday, September 27, 2025

A few details for you….

Friday will consist of a logging job tour with Great Woods Companies, LLC located in Bennettsville, SC

We will also have an “activity” for all members attending! Stay tuned for details!

A Social “Networking” Event will be held Friday evening in Hartsville, SC

Saturday, September 27 - Annual Conference

Our annual conference will feature 4 of our very own CWIT as Guest Speakers!

Watch for more details to be announced soon!

If you would like to join us at our upcoming 2025 conference, email Lori Walker at lori@carolinawomenintimber.org and save your spot!